We’re approaching that time of year again. Graduation. The seniors we’ve been ministering to and toiling with will soon be gone. What advice can we give them that will motivate them to live the rest of their lives for the Lord? Here are some of the things I might share with such a young person:
•           Ask God to give you someone who will hold you accountable.
—Tell this (same sex) friend from the start that you want him to tell you when he sees a problem in your life.
—Spend regular time with this person, sharing your struggles, joys, and plans.
—Commit yourself to being honest with this person; don’t hide sin from him. Instead, confess it and ask for his support in prayer. Give him permission to check up on how you’re doing in areas you struggle with.
•           Make time each day to spend with the Lord.
—Read from God’s Word daily—even if it’s only a verse, a paragraph, or a chapter. Make this such a deeply ingrained habit that you feel like something’s missing if you don’t do it.
—Make a list of people and situations to pray for regularly, then follow through and pray for them.
—Each day, take something—a verse, a thought, or an application—from your quiet time to think about throughout that day. Tell someone else about it when you have the opportunity.
•           Trust in the Lord’s leading in all your relationships.
—Seek out other believers who can encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
—Make it a habit to talk about interpersonal problems with your believing friends as soon as possible. If something they’ve done bothers you, talk about it. If you think you might have hurt them through your words, actions, or inactions, talk about it with them (not with others!). Don’t put this off; it gets harder and more awkward to talk with them the longer you wait.
—Ask God to help you live in such a way that non-believing friends will want to know more about Him.
•           Remember that Jesus wants to be Lord of every part of your life.
—Your studies, friends, work, money, family, time, looks, etc. are all gifts He’s given you. Seek to use them the way He desires.
—Ask His Spirit to warn you even before you sin. Then ask Him for the strength to resist temptation and to live the way He desires.
—Pray every day that the Lord would help you to become more like Jesus.
We invest our time, emotions, strength—our lives—to build into the lives of young people. Let’s do all we can to equip them to live for the Lord even after they’re no longer a regular part of our lives.