66 Love Letters: Discovering the Larger Story of the Bible, One Book at a Time
Dr. Larry Crabb
Thomas Nelson, 2009, 372 pp., $22.99

66 Love Letters summarizes each book of the Bible in a mere two or three sentences. Every point seeks to lead people to God’s eternal “party” in heaven. In 66 sections, God’s story is revealed: connection, wickedness, estrangement, suffering, judgment, reconciliation.

Each chapter is framed by a conversation between God and Crabb. It feels weird—almost blasphemous—to read God’s voice answering questions about biblical stories. Yet, Crabb’s personal concerns accurately reflect the confusion many feel when reading the gospel. The whole book is purely his opinion, but he explains in his prologue, “whether I’ve accurately heard Him or not is up to you to decide.”

Crabb designed the book to be read one chapter per week and shared with a small group. Although sometimes over-simplified, the accessibility of his words will help those working with younger kids who are learning to trust God through good times and bad.

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