8 Ways to Affirm Volunteers

It’s no secret that one of the keys to a healthy student ministry is a healthy volunteer team. As a youth worker, one of the best investments you can make in your ministry is an investment in your volunteer...

Hacking Teen Behavior

    Teens are from another planet. That would certainly explain why perfectly normal kids suddenly turn into sullen, moody teens when they hit a certain age. Or why parents wonder in amazement w...

Essential Partnerships in Youth Ministry

If we aren’t careful the pace of student ministry can crowd out the most crucial partners that we need for effective ministry to students. Here's a list of the essential partnerships you need to have at your church.

4 Ways to Detox From Summer

Summer is over. Camps, conferences, missions trips, and VBS are in the rearview mirror. Fall is staring you in the face. August is a transition month for most student ministries. There’s a different mindset ...