Four Ways to Work Smarter

With all the tasks that we youth workers are charged with, our time gets quickly used up – and it can seem like there’s not enough hours in the day to do all that we’re asked.

Welcoming New Students

It’s a new school year, which means that lots of families are checking out new churches for their teenagers. We used to not be very good at welcoming new visitors or friends brought by our students, but since we’ve made some simple changes, we’re seeing a changed atmosphere and a new passion for inviting.

Making Space

Recently, a pastor friend of mine read for me Judy Brown’s poem “Fire.” Brown does a masterful job of capturing what our job as youth ministers should be: making space for God to do His work. She uses th...

Unscheduling our Overly Scheduled Students

While I have a deep sense something is not right with our overly scheduled youth, I also have a deep sense God can and will meet my students on a sand bar, through the laughter they experience during a board game, and in Bible study and worship.

Delegation 101

Now that I've learned how to do it well, delegation has created a richer student ministry, one that empowers the gifts of my students and volunteers.