Youth Culture Update: Under Pressure

Teens are feeling significant levels of stress these days, struggling with pressures at school, home and on the job. Experts say stressed-out teens—particularly those who don't have very effective coping ...

Living with Peaceful Hearts

"Be at peace among yourselves" (1 Thess. 5:13). We don't have to live in a war zone to know peace resides first and foremost in the human heart—in our desire to live in harmony with those around u...

Tongue Patrol

"I said, 'I will guard my ways that I might not sin with my tongue'" (Ps. 39:1).There was a time when gossip, innuendo and hurt feelings among teenagers were the result of conversation. Now, with the adven...

Youth Culture Update: Dangerous Drinking

A new Internet fad—wherein people record themselves drinking copious amounts of alcohol often mixed with other substances—is being blamed for the death of two men in Ireland. The game, called Neknom...