Seeing Christianity for the First Time

It is important for us to get a fresh glimpse of what it means to be a follower of Christ. In today's society, we have lost our sense of identity. The early church knew who it was, what it believed and why it b...

The Way to Heaven

In Stephen Harper's, The Way to Heaven, we see the emergence of a new type of Christ follower. Harper paints the picture of this new believer as following a movement of God. This move of God is a new wine like ...

Whatever Became of Holiness

In Whatever Became of Holiness?, DeNeff paints a picture of what holiness in a postmodern context will look like. The vast majority of Americans claim to be religious, but how much is Christ-like compassion and...

Missional Call

I firmly believe God calls each one of us to a particular ministry. God has called me into mission work and youth ministry. I feel that there are many souls in this world who can be won for Christ yet do not at...

God and the World

Christianity in itself is controversial. The history of the church is filled with outbreaks of violence as the message of Christ was spread. One reason was due to fact that this radical new message was based on...

Be Still

"Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything" (Ps. 46:10, The Message).Today we live in a world that is so complex. The hustle and bustle of our soci...

Be Real

Have you ever had a moment when a conversation transported you back in time? That happened to me yesterday. As I was coming home from picking up my 12-year-old daughter, she and her best friend were talking abo...


In John 20:28, Jesus says He came to serve, not be served. We should have them same attitude. We have been called to serve the communities in which we have been planted. Where does this motivation to ...

Incarnational Student Ministry

The church has portrayed Jesus a type of spiritual super hero who came to rescue us from our sins. I believe this is a distorted view of what Christ came to do. The history of the incarnation and the strug...