Problems with Authority

Youth workers must navigate the competing demands of students, parents, churches and schools. We are given “guest passes” to walk the practice fields, halls and hangouts of teenagers. What if any on...

Lights, Camera, Impact

How to measure a movie’s impact? Box office receipts determine popularity, but attendance does not always equal enduring impact. Surely, youth ministry is more than a numbers game. Making disciples is a p...

Compassion Amidst Crisis

Moments of crisis sear our national consciousness. From assassinations to natural disasters, each generation recalls defining events. We remember where we were and who we were with at such shocking moments.Arti...

Stress Relievers

Movies remain a cheap and easy way to relieve stress. Two hours in the dark watching a superhero fight crime or a ferocious mother resist aliens somehow restores our sense of perspective. Laughter also remains ...

Reel Girls

How tough it is to find good movies for young women! Reel girls are often relegated to secondary status as girlfriends or sidekicks for the action heroes. Beyond super-heroines like Lara Croft and Electra, wher...

A Substantial Summer

Summer is a season of kicking back and enjoying the sun and the sand. So how should teens pass the lazy days of summer? Some youth workers may seek an alternative to mindless popcorn films. Smaller, independe...

Bye Bye Suburbia

Some teens embrace the challenge of adulthood. Others cling to a childlike irresponsibility. How do adolescents attain maturity? Although often surrounded by wealth, cinematic teens remain eager to leave home, ...