Worship that Teaches

Do the acts of the first-century believers leave you longing for the supernatural atmosphere of those amazing days? The period detailed for us in the book of Acts and in the New Testament letters was a miraculo...

Jude: The How-To Youth Ministry Book

Jude is a one-chapter book we typically fly over on the way to Revelation — one that doesn’t get much attention. Yet Jude may be the primo how-to youth ministry book in the Bible. (And we all like ...

The Youth Ministry MAC FILTER

Just when you think you’ve got this youth ministry thing down — students are worshiping, small groups are flourishing, missions trips are maxing — something comes along that makes you say, &...

Opening Eyes and God’s Word

You’ve undoubtedly heard the story. Maybe you’ve even seen the famous painting. Two disciples were walking to Emmaus soon after Jesus was crucified — talking a mile a minute about the strange even...