Glenn Stanton
Focus on the Family, 2014, 337 pp., $15.99
The brokenness in the world won’t be healed until God’s kingdom comes, but that doesn’t mean families can’t embrace living within God’s design to the fullest now. The Family Project: How God’s Design Reveals His Best for You from Focus on the Family is a bridge from where you are to where God says you can be. The topics covered are not just family-friendly standbys, but include crime, divorce, finances, abuse, substance abuse and more. Through some deep statements of reflection, profound questions for consideration, relevant statistics and follow-up links, the reader is well-equipped to process the material.

On the plus side, everything seems to be written in easy-to-understand terms. Where there may be some tension is for families in which both spouses aren’t on board with making the proposed changes. That’s where the themes can create common ground, though. A marriage between a believer and non-believer likely will find agreement on addressing drug or sex issues with their kids.

Beneath the various discussion points are three primary questions: Who are we? Where do we come? Where are we going? The author suggests God addresses these in a way that parents can learn from and mimic. Some of the material relies on processing pictures that may be theologically questionable, but the end goal remains valid. This book is a great resource, whether read as a household, processed in a small group, or used as source material for a sermon series.

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