We asked your fellow youth workers, “What is the name of your youth group … and how did you come up with it?” Here’s how they answered — be sure to post your own answer below!


Randy Lee Tuttle: “Roots — Psalms 1:3 — He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

Jeff Graves: “Common Ground — Philippians 2:2-4 — then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Jillianne Myers Davis: “4:Twelve Student Ministry from 1 Timothy 4:12 — Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example.”

Lisa Boukis-Dilley: “S.W.A.T. Student’s With A Testimony. We had a contest and the kids chose their favorite.”

Michael Benson: “Ours is Zeteo. It’s greek for to chase after or urgently pursue. As in ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ in Matthew 6:33. We desired a name that would be an opportunity for people to ask what it meant and give an outlet for our students to share their faith!”

Matt Sanders: “Our group is called REVERB. I will make your name famous from now on, so people will praise you forever and ever. — Psalm 45:17 (NCV). The whole idea is that these guys and girls would make an impact that would reverberate, make an impact that would go beyond themselves and stretch to their family, friends, peers and even into the future generations … all of which is making Jesus famous.”

Adam Lehman: “Current.”

Jason Brown: “Rhythm. We want to incorporate the Rhythm of grace and God into the Rhythm of life.”

George Gracie Jr.: “EDGE: Evangelism, Discipleship, Growth, Encouragement so we are called Edge Student Ministries.”

Juan Camacho: Youth on the Rock. Because the Lord Jesus Christ is the solid rock on which we stand.”

Ruth Megan Cotterill: “Well, I haven’t actually got a name yet, I am jut in the process. My favorite name is FLUX because the word means to floe, a current or continuous movement, i would also create an acronym which is: FAITH.LOVE.UNITED in CHRIST. Other names are Smudge, Ignite, Impact and Surge.”

Luke Cole: “We are simply Central City Christian Church Student Ministries. This way our church presents a united front.”

Michele Gedeon Vidulich: “Pizza with a Purpose since we always end with pizza or some pizza themed snack. And since this is a high school aged group — they all like pizza!”

Justin LeVett: “CHAOS: Christ Has Always Offered Salvation. Plus it is the only word that actually describes the kids in our program. Plus they don’t think it is a lame name.”

Andrew Beatty: “SOLACE: Safe, open, loving, accepting, christian, enviroment. But more importantly it means a safe place where the can come and be who they are.”

Leah Phillips: “We are The S.W.A.T. Team: Soldiers With A Testimony. We chose ‘solidiers’ to be somewhat patriotic because our church’s name is patriotic. Our bible verse is 1 John 5:11, And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

Ahren Cahoon: “Fusion 2 Cor 5:17 — When we are in Christ we are a new creation the old has gone and the new has come. We also have Fusion Cells that students meet in weekly, to affect positive change in others. Because you’re supposed to leave changed.” 

Brandi Gon:The Haven. We want youth group to be a place where teens can come and feel safe and loved. Our verse is 1 Timothy 4:12.

Jason Engle: “MOMENTUM -based on the vision of Global Youth Ministry. Our mission surrounds the three e’s taught by those guys: Equip – Evangelize – Encourage. Ephesians 4:12-16.” 

Brit Windel: “The Fill John 6.35 — Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty — Jesus is our Fill, he who we don’t simply turn to when in need but that we fall into and rest in stay with and be filled by his love and grace. This is our main Sunday monring time…. we all refer to our group as The FC (Faith Community).”

Jason Huffman: “Reach Youth Ministries: Reach Up (to God), Reach Out (to others), Reach In (to better ourselves).”

John Lowe:The Arena. God has placed each one of us in an Arena where we are to live our lives to His Glory. God is our biggest fan, He is our greatest supporter and the Mastermind behind of our life’s greatest plays. God desires to hang out with us and for us to hang out with him!”

Daniel Kiefer: IMAGE — conforming students and leaders into the image of Christ.
I – informing the unsaved about Christ
M – making relationships with others
A – actions of service
G – growth in me and others… See More
E – expressing love and worth to God.”

David Vollstedt: “?WHY We’re His Youth! We start with a ‘?’ because we don’t shy away from the tough questions and believe that by asking, we receive.”


What do you think? Scroll down to the comment box below and tell us the name of YOUR youth group and HOW you chose it!


Related links:

  1. Youth Group Names (January 2010) How these church youth groups created their names — and great ideas to name yours.
  2. The Name Game: How Do You Like ‘Scum’? (May 2010) Excerpt: How a Denver church named itself “Scum of the Earth”


More Questions for Youth Workers

  1. Q: “When a youth approaches you with an issue beyond your expertise, what do you do?”

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