Dear Youth Worker

Dear Youth Worker, I wanted to take a moment to say, “You are doing a great job.” My daughter loves coming to your group and she has friends there. I love that she loves to come to church. I truly apprec...

The Story I Wish I Could Change

I can’t change my story, but I can leverage it for the good of the Kingdom. My life has been tragedy free for the most part. But one season of life makes me quiver inside just reflecting back upon it. Let me...

You’re (Not) Made of Steel

Had we just pulled off a successful outreach event? Yes. Did I care? Nope. I was tired of ministry, wondering how it had gone from something I loved so dearly to something I resented so fiercely.

Parenting Like A Pastor

    As a youth worker for the past twenty-five years I feel like I’ve seen it all. Well, almost. And what I haven't seen I’ve experienced first hand as the son of two youth workers. The sadd...

Managing Rejection

If you were expecting something other than rejection, you probably should consider a different profession. It is par for the course, a when and not an if.

My Kobayashi Maru

In ministry, everything does not always go the way we would like. Sometimes things break down and go so wrong, and we can’t fix them. I recently was on a trip that bombed, and I don’t handle failure well. A...