Creating a Healthy 2017

Ready or not, 2017 is here... Hopefully you’ve got some extra time off (or at least some slower days) between Christmas and the New Year’s celebrations. Here are some tips on how to make that time count to...

Following Jesus’ Sex Talk Model

My mom was the voice of correction growing up. I knew I’d done something wrong when my first, middle, and last name was shouted from another part of our house. Fear. Shame. Worry. All of these things woul...

Helping Parents Reclaim Beauty

I have three amazing children. I never knew how scary the world could be until I became a parent. When I was single or just married, the world was my playground and I had free reign in it. But something happens...

Using Social Media to Build Community

The parachurch ministry, Young Life, has a saying in regards to contact work. They say that in order to reach teens you need to “go where kids are”.  This may be hard for us to comprehend because many of ...

Connecting Students to God’s Mission

When we begin talking about mission, many people think of mission trips. That's not a bad thing. One of my most formative experiences was a youth mission trip among the poor in Prestonburg, Kentucky. Mission t...

Safe Sanctuaries

I was a teenager when I was first immersed in the sexuality conversation. A family member and I had an honest conversation about their struggle with homosexuality. This was back in the 80’s in the Midwest, w...

Leading Teens toward the Older Generation

I was talking about the power of written communication with students in group this week.  We were discussing pros and cons about using social media, texting, and direct messaging to talk to each other. One ex...