Four Ways to Celebrate Your Trip

Youth workers live busy lives. As soon as one trip or program ends, the next begins. So it is with mission trips.As soon as you pull into the church parking lot at the end of your trip, inevitably someone asks,...

Developing Student Leaders Roundtable

Young people have the potential to transform society. To unleash that potential, youth workers spend countless hours developing student leaders. What exactly is student leadership? How best can student leaders ...

Transformative Leadership

As a freshman, Olivia was immature. Even so, she faithfully attended every event my youth ministry sponsored. She was often difficult. She cared far more about chatting with her friends than participating in a ...

Who Am I? The YWJ Roundtable on Identity

"Who am I?" is one of the most basic and difficult questions humans must answer. Dozens of factors influence how we answer this question, and our answers impact every aspect of our lives, including faith, vocat...