Quick Backdrop
Maybe you’ve seen the bumper sticker: “As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.” You might expand the list: As long as there are temptations, peer pressures, anxieties over try outs, and countless other situations and issues, there will be prayer in schools.

The school year is its own culture of dynamics and issues that students have to navigate. Luckily, you don’t have to navigate those things alone. In fact, the Bible contains many prayers and teachings that seem to be custom-designed for a school year. You’d think God knew what He was doing. Well, He did.

The What
Below, you will find some of the more common school situations that teens face every day. Each is connected to a prayer or teaching that offers specific guidance or encouragement for that situation. Take a moment to scan the situations and select three that most resonate with you at the moment. Then look up each passage and read the Scripture as a prayer for your situation. Journal your thoughts as you pray.

• Temptation (Jude 1:24-25)

• Spiritual wisdom regarding peer pressure (Eph. 1:17)

• Teachers and school leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

• Spiritual protection (John 17:15; Col. 2:6-8)

• School-year difficulties (e.g., flunked tests, breakups, being cut from teams/productions, etc.) (Rom. 8:35-38)

• Connection with other believers (John 17:20-23)

• Spiritual strength (Eph. 3:16-19)

• Spiritual opportunity (Eph. 3:20-21)

• Leadership (Exod. 3:11-12; Judges 6:15-16; Jer. 1:6-8)

• Christ-like classroom conduct (Phil. 2:14-16)

• When the slog sets in (Col. 1:9-12)

• Courage (Acts 4:13)

• God’s presence (John 14:16-17)

• Anxiety/nervousness (John 14:27)

• Tired/worn out (Isa. 40:29-31)

The So What
God never promised us that life, including school years, always would go smoothly. There will be frustrations, disappointments, mistakes, heartbreak and heartache. However, He did promise that He would be with us, giving us the exact comfort, strength and peace we need at the exact time that we need it.

Putting into Practice
Take a couple of minutes to meditate on the thoughts you journaled as you prayed the Scriptures. What is God asking you to do: Be patient? Endure? Adjust an attitude? Cling to Him? Help a friend? Write an action down, and then do it.

Finally, think about how you can integrate these prayers into the dynamics of your school year. Here are a few ideas:

1. Adopt a Prayer a Day
Set up a rotation. Grab a calendar (ecalendar or physical calendar) and write a verse reference on each day of the week. This devo gives you 15 prayers. After 15 days, start the rotation again or add more of your own.

2. Pray for Friends
Text a different friend every day a prayer that is specific to his or her circumstance. You might be the agent of grace and mercy that God wants to use to comfort one of your friends.

3. Make a Bookmark
Create a bookmark with these prayers that you can keep in a notebook or text book. Then you have a ready-reference prayer guide as situations occur.

4. Prayer Retreat
Block out a chunk of time to pray through these prayers in one sitting. You may want to make it a prayer walk in a park or around your school.

God wants to be a part of your school year as much as you’ll let Him. He has promised to be with you at every turn, glitch, frustration and more. These prayers will help you remember that promise and experience it in full measure.

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