Steve Sjogren
Regal Books, 2009, 192 pp., $19.99,

OK, so how does one make a good church great? I expected fancy programs or innovative ministries, perhaps sure-fire remedies or cutting-edge, outlandish promotions. Instead Sjogren emphasizes honing and improving what your church already has. He suggests simplicity, clarity, focus and being real. Power is in the small things, such as treating visitors more like newcomers. Church should be a trusting place. We need to be straightforward.

Sjogren writes in a comfortable, engaging style with humorous anecdotes that you hope never happen at your church but fear they already have. Reading the book was difficult as my mind kept thinking about my church and its own untapped potential.

It’s an easy read, yet the power is not in the pages but in how his points and illustrations stimulate your own creativity. This book would make a great resource for an elder, deacon or church staff retreat.

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