Francis Chan with Mark Beuving
David C. Cook, 2011, 124 pp., $14.99

Crazy Love has challenged millions of people on our views of God and living out His love in the world. You may have been one of those who experienced it firsthand either personally or in a group setting. A little more than three years later, we have an incredible companion in Living Crazy Love. Chan and Beuving have teamed up again (previously with Remembering the Forgotten God) to offer individuals and groups a self-guided journey in the heart of the God who relentlessly pursues us.

Living Crazy Love can be used alone or with the previously released book and DVD supplement. In this book, Francis Chan stands soundly on Scripture and asks penetrating questions that cause participants to reflect, come clean and transform every aspect of their being as they come face to face with the God of love. Living Crazy Love provides the Scripture, questions, transitions and reflective thoughts to move forward as an individual or group. Discussion leaders also are given a helpful guide in the back of the book to know how to facilitate the conversation and receive hints for how to use some session questions or redirect the discussion for greater effectiveness. Even if you’ve done something with Crazy Love before, I highly recommend using this new resource to delve deeper into the love of God whether personally, facilitating a small group setting or leading a life-changing retreat. 

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