Leading on Empty
Wayne Cordeiro
Bethany House, March 2009, 224 pp., $19.99, www.bethanyhouse.com

I like books that make me re-think the way I read Scripture and show new ways to apply it to my life. Leading on Empty had me from the opening chapters on what is “evening and morning.”

Corderio’s book is an excellent resource for church leaders who are addicted to busyness (either by choice or job description). Cordeiro offers great ideas about how you can do your job better.

The book falls a little short in finding ways to make your church understand that Sabbath is not the same thing as vacation, that renewal is not the same thing as a staff Bible study. We know we need rest, but how do we convince our administrive board? For the churches that believe mission trips count as vacation days, this book won’t help much. For youth workers who can acknowledge they are part of their own problem (and solution), this book is essential.

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