Most youth ministries have specific needs and goals, but not all needs and goals are grantable expenditures. However, when it comes to the creative process of application, here are some quick points that can help you contour your vision and goals to fit a foundation’s guidelines. Consider applying for grants that might fit the following:

• Securing the services of an outside firm or expert to do a study of your ministry.
• Architectural fees for design or recommendation of existing or expanded youth facilities.
• Fees related to creating new ministry spaces such as playing fields, outdoor facilities, camp grounds or cabins.
• Musical enhancement (people or instruments)
• Sound systems
• New staff position
• Acoustical design work
• Honorariums for special speakers or presenters
• Rental fees for spaces used by youth on community work or service projects (or auto)
• Fees associated with work the youth group offers to your community (highway beautification, transportation, music, service, etc.)
• Mission travel expenses
• Scholarships

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