God’s Girls in Sports: Guiding Young Women Through the Benefits and Pitfalls
Holly Page
Authentic Publishing, 2008, 166 pp., $16.99, Authenticpublishing.com

“Youth athletics has exploded over the past ten years, with increased participation and skyrocketing numbers of opportunities,” says Holly Page. To which, drawing from her personal story, she offers suggestions and advice for today’s parents.

One piece of advice Page offers to parents is to help their teens figure out for themselves why they engage in athletics in the first place. At some point, this may involve allowing them to make their own decision to stop. Perhaps Page’s best advice is for families to work together diligently to achieve a balanced athletic environment, not one that whips them around.

She offers her view of the benefits of youth athletics and characterizes pitfalls by “the scholarship syndrome” and “keeping up with the Joneses.” Be wary of her role stereotyping and narrow biblical perspectives. You may want to skim through her “A to Z” list of how to talk to a coach.

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