Take a few t-shirts (usually one with your student ministry logo or a recent evnet shirt) soak in water, fold, then freeze them for at least 24 hours. Bring the shirts out and ask for volunteers. have the volunteers race to put the t-shirts on. The next 10-20 minutes will be hilarious as everyone watches the students struggle to get the shirt on. Give the participants the shirt at the end of the game. This works well as a game to get things started at youth services or at any other event.


Thanks to our friends at www.pastor2youth.com for lending us this game!

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About The Author

Dr. Ryan Nielsen is currently the Sr. Pastor at First Baptist Church in Quincy, CA. Ryan has a long history of youth ministry experience with his call to Youth Ministry beginning in 1991 as a Freshman in College where he was hired as the Youth Pastor at Armenian Christian Fellowship of Orange County. Since that time, Ryan spent 20 years working in youth ministry in California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and also in Denmark. In 1995, he started his own youth ministry website, pastor2youth.com, which resources individuals in more than 165 countries around the world! Ryan has his B.A. In English Literature from Whittier College, his M.A. In Youth and Family Ministry from Denver Seminary, his M.Div and his Doctorate degree from Fuller Seminary. He moved to Quincy in 2011 with his wife, Christianna, who is a First Grade Teacher. Ryan married Christianna in 2005 and they adopted their two daughters, Magali and Miley in December 2010.

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