On the Altar: Sacrifice
On the Altar: Offer
Garth Heckman
Standard Publishing, 2009, 128 pp., $16.99, StandardPub.com

Developing weekly lessons is hard enough; crafting a night for students that includes activities, stories and a call to response which all connect to the central theme takes time and energy youth workers can’t afford in many seasons of ministry.

Fortunately, the On the Altar books offer complete lessons with plenty of space for customization. The well-written lessons turn crazy activities involving 40 goldfish into preambles to meaningful discussions about sharing the Christian journey. Each lesson has thoughtful introductions and insightful outlines, as well as additional space for the leader to add personal stories to better relate with any one specific group.

Every lesson also concludes with an “altered” section—a time for students to come forward, but not in the old-school altar call sense. Rather, it is an opportunity for teens to engage physically with the topic through various experiential activities—a strong finish to these themed evenings.

Each book centers on a particular theme such as sacrificial living or servanthood. The many activities likely are to connect with students regardless of their learning styles or where they are in their spiritual journey. The On the Altar series is the perfect basis for youth workers wanting to prepare relevant and cohesive youth meetings.

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