I’d like to have all of you Youth Pastors out there take a deep breath. We made it! We’ve pushed through the scattered summer months and are getting settled into the start of the school year. More importantly, we now have some time to really dig into Fall/Winter planning. This time of year is packed full of all kinds of events, but here are a few big events NOT to forget:

Fall Festival

While most of your teenagers are probably over their days of dressing up as a fuzzy animal character and attending the church’s Fall Festival to get a pillowcase full of candy, there are still so many opportunities for your students to serve at this event. We all know that teenagers tend to make the worst decisions when they aren’t busy. Getting them plugged into volunteering at your church’s Fall Festival will not only be an opportunity to serve their community, but teenagers tend to get a sense of real accomplishment when they are asked to help in that capacity. If your church is not hosting a Fall Festival, do some research on some churches in your area that may need a few extra set of hands!

Click Below for All of Our Fall Festival Media!


Fall Youth Retreat

Youth Retreats are some of the biggest turning points in your students’ relationship with God. Getting them out of the house and away from their normal environment really allows them to encounter God in a way that they may have never been able to before. Get a team alongside you and be sure to really knock this one out of the park. Youth Pastors have a unique opportunity with Fall Retreats to really speak to the hearts of their students without the distractions of what’s going on at home. Be sure to pack your time full of new games, trending worship music (we’ve got you covered at www.youthworker.com) and messages that will really impact their lives. Plan this event as if your ministry depended on it and God will honor your efforts.

Click Below for All of Our Youth Retreat Media!


See You At the Pole

SYATP has been a game-changer for student ministry for over 25 years. All around the world, students will gather around the flagpoles at their schools to pray for, not only their school, but their families, friends, churches and communities. What an opportunity to bring Christ into their schools and maybe even be able to share His love with their peers. Visit www.syatp.com for all the information and resources you’ll need to promote this incredible event.

Don’t let the events of this season overwhelm you. We are called to change this generation! The days will feel so long and the work will often seem endless, but at the end of the day, remember that we are doing it all to show the love of God to teenagers. What more of a reason do we need?

Click Below for All of Our See You At the Pole Media!