In the video Shells, Rob Bell illustrates the tension that is present in the gospel and the heart of every minister. We each are called to minister to people within a given community, and at times we become so overwhelmed that we lose site of our lives’ purposes. Personally, I want to meet the need of everyone I can, and I feel a sense of inadequacy when I cannot do it all. This video helped reinforce what I have been told ever since my ministry began 21 years ago. I must not lose sight of my calling. I have said yes to God’s call on my life, which gives me the freedom to say no when necessary.

There are only so many hours in the day. I must make the most of the time I am given. I must not sacrifice the best in order to do the good. We must each take some time daily to be alone with God and recalibrate our life mission, not letting the voices of the world and those whom we are called to serve distract us or pull us off the path we have chosen. Jesus never lost sight of His mission. He did not let the circumstances of life dictate what He did. Instead, He used the circumstances, people and situations He encountered to propel Him toward the completion of His mission. We must do the same. This video helped me see the need to spend quality time alone with God daily. Just having quiet time is not enough. I must purposely make time to seek His guidance on the journey of ministry so I can make it to my chosen destination.

As I watched this video, it became clear to me the calling we each receive as ministers never changes, but it can be fleshed out in different ways based on what season of life in which we find ourselves. I recently turned 40 and have been reflecting a lot on my life and calling during the past few months. When I first started in ministry, I was energetic, niave and ready to take on the world. I was ready to take the gospel to the world and did not think strategically about how to do that. I lived in the moment and was very impulsive. I did not care who I offended. I was very legalistic and opinionated. Now that I am older, I find myself in another season of life. I have been reflecting lately on my legacy. What will I leave behind for my kids? What will I pass on to the next generation of youth pastors?

I really want to take ministry to the next level. For as long as I can remember, I only thought true ministry in the context of being on church staff. At this season of life, I find myself wanting to do ministry outside the walls of the local church. I have not been on a church staff for the past several months. For the first time in my life, I am OK with not being on church staff. I am now a deputy sheriff in my hometown. This will be an incredible mission field. I am looking forward to taking my call to work with this next generation to the very segment of society needing it the most. I want focus on investing in the lives of younger youth pastors in our community. I want my life and ministry to make a difference. My calling is as clear today as it was as the day I received it, but it has taken on a new and deeper dimension. I am looking forward to the next phase of ministry and cannot wait to see where this journey with Christ will take me.

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