While America’s teen pregnancy rate is historically low, it’s still quite high among one subset of teens: Those who identify themselves as gay, bisexual or questioning.

According to research done by Teenwise Minnesota, teen pregnancy rates in the state are far higher among teens from the LGBT community: Bisexual girls in ninth, 10th or 11th grade were five times more likely to have gotten pregnant than their straight peers. Gay males were four times more likely to have gotten someone pregnant.

“It’s very counterintuitive,” admits Judith Kahn, the executive director of Teenwise Minnesota. Some experts point to a lack of sex education for homosexual youth or the sense of alienation that many gay teens experience, leading to rash sexual behavior. Others point to past sexual trauma: Many of the gay teens interviewed had been sexually abused. Others suggest sexual identity is more fluid than many would believe.

“People’s sense of sexuality tends to be black or white, gay or straight,” according to Erin Wilkins, who directs clinical programs at Family Tree Clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota. “There isn’t as much of an understanding of the middle ground, where many people live.” (Star Tribune)