We all know we shouldn’t judge someone unless we walk a mile in their shoes, but sometimes walking in your own can be judgment enough.

Nineteen-year-old Victoria Bascom and a friend hired a cab to take them from Cleveland to Painesville, Ohio—about 30 miles away—but when the cabbie took them to their destination, Bascom skipped out on the $100 cab fare. When the teen was charged and convicted, Judge Michael Ciconnetti gave her a choice: Either go to jail for 30 days or walk 30 miles.

“I typically use these creative alternative sentences for younger people who are more impressionable, at least somewhat remorseful and are usually first-time offenders,” Cinconetti told ABC News. “The philosophy behind it [is] that whatever punishment they choose, it’s going to prevent them from coming back to court on another charge.”

Bascom opted for the long walk. “I’ve never been to jail, and I don’t want to go to jail,” she said. After walking 20 miles at a local fair ground, she was let loose on account of the muddy ground. (MTV)