Celebrity fashion seems to be growing more and more risqué, and when it comes to prom, many high school girls are taking fashion cues from Hollywood replete with plunging necklines, provocative cutouts and sometimes see-through material.

As such, appropriate prom-wear is becoming a big issue in many school districts, with officials overruling sultry outfits, while students push to wear whatever they want (spending a lot of money to do so). Connecticut’s Shelton High School seems to be the most notable example of this friction. There, a cadre of high school girls petitioned the school to relax its dress standards.

“There is a sexist and backward logic that girls must cover up so boys are not distracted or tempted to behave inappropriately,” reads the petition in part. “Don’t teach girls to hide their bodies; teach boys self-control and that they aren’t entitled to a girl’s body just because she dressed in a way that made her feel beautiful or just didn’t want to get overheated.”

The school insists it will continue to restrict prom attire. “We want our young ladies to be dressed beautifully; we want them to be dressed with class and dignity. We are going to draw the line relative to attire that would be deemed overexposing oneself,” said school superintendent Freeman Burr. (MTV)