When it comes to how teens behave sexually, fathers may play a pretty significant role. Indeed, new analysis of some recent studies suggest that how close children are to their fathers can make a huge impact on how long a child stays sexually pure and responsible. In one study, daughters who are close to their fathers generally hold off becoming sexually active. In another, sons were more likely to remain abstinent if they had a close relationship with their dads; but scientists offer a caveat: Compared to the bevy of researches done on how mothers influence their children’s behavior, few studies have been done that explicitly examine how fathers can help shape their kids. “In study after study, young people say that when it comes to these important decisions, it really matters what their parents think about these issues,” says Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, lead author for the research and a professor at New York University. He adds, “It’s not enough to just be connected to your kids and have positive parenting. It’s critical that parents communicate their values and provide guidance [to their kids] about how to [stay] safe.” (HealthDay)