Every youth leader understands the meaning of the fundraiser woes. You know—it’s that phenomenon that wrests your focus away from ministry and leads to inundation in fundraising. After you’ve been through the candy sales, candle sales, bake sales—and so many others—you find yourself weary. (How many cookbooks can you buy?)

Youth leaders would do well to consider other creative solutions to their funding needs. In addition to changing the philosophy of fundraising, making this stewardship work more cohesive with the overall stewardship of the congregation also has its advantages.

Consider, for example, the following as solutions to your money needs:
• Incorporate some or all of the youth ministry needs into the congregation’s operational budget (instead of operating as if each ministry stands alone).
• Look for other sources of support—such as foundations and endowments. Write grants. Be creative in your vision and approach to funding and ask for more money up front so it can sustain the ministry rather than just helping it limp along year by year.
• Consider having one large fundraiser a year instead of many smaller ones that yield miniscule results for the time and energies committed. Think bigger to get bigger.
• Streamline the budget—and work for creative ways to make ministry work on a small income stream.

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