Although we now live in a sports-crazed culture, there are some aspects of athletics that can carry over quite well into youth ministry. Coaching is one of those points…or more specifically, the willingness to be coached.
Early in my youth ministry, I was blessed to have two such coaches. One was a lead pastor who not only gave me the reigns of a fledgling youth ministry, but also provided me with a stipend to build my library, travel fare to attend youth leadership events, and ample support with the congregational leaders. This pastor also took the time to make valuable suggestions while we were having lunch or coffee, and genuinely was interested in my growth in youth ministry. In essence, his coaching set the course for my future ministry, and his guidance (often couched in the form of questions) was invaluable.

Another coach emerged later in my life, a colleague in another congregation who was willing to ask the tough questions, provide helpful tips, and otherwise offer his support when I encountered new or difficult situations.

A coach is someone who not only has been in the trenches, but has a capacity for empathy, a willingness to teach, and an honest streak. In short, everyone in youth ministry needs a coach.

Who is in your corner? Who is there helping you through the tough times? Who is your go-to person when you have questions?

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