“Rejoice with joy unspeakable” (1 Pet. 1:8).

One of the most unifying attributes for any organization is joy. Youth groups need joy, in fact, to bring a sense of balance and movement to the work. Leaders should not underestimate the power of joy or simply believe it occurs spontaneously.

Youth meetings work best when there is time for interpersonal sharing, laughter, the cultivation of friendships. In these practices, youth workers will discover that much of the heavier teaching or counsel goes much more smoothly.

Likewise, allowing a time for teenagers to celebrate their accomplishments also can cultivate joy. Teenagers love seeing their names in print, so saving newspaper clippings can be important, or creating a bulletin board or Facebook page for the teens also can work. Your youth room also could feature a celebration corner, where teenagers could place post cards or other features.

Jesus asked His people to walk in joy, and the teenagers in our churches can be some of the most joyous people we encounter. Work to cultivate this attribute by being intentional about joy and celebration. Joy makes a difference.

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