“I will write My law in your heart” (Jer. 31:31).

I have been a professional writer for a long time. When I was a teenager in high school, I began writing for certain magazines and journals and never have looked back. I’ve also known the power of practice writing and of writing as a powerful tool for personal growth.

Centuries ago, the prophet Jeremiah offered a new vision of the law when he said the day is coming when God won’t use tablets of stone, but will write the law upon the human heart. What a powerful testimony first, not only to faith, but also of the power of the written word. Writing carries this persuasion.

Through the years, I’ve offered the following insights to other leaders to help them cast their own visions and remember their goals. I offer them again here.

1. Write down your goals—and articulate your steps toward achieving those goals in specific ways. Your words will carry the weight of conviction.
2. Post your goals in a prominent place: on your desk, at the top of your computer screen, on your refrigerator. Seeing them every day will help you to keep them on your heart and will remind you to ask, “What step have I taken today toward these goals?”
3. As you achieve a goal, mark it off. In fact, make your first goal the easiest—the most achievable. It always helps to get a win under the belt early when we are planning a year ahead. A quick achievement often can lead to greater successes.
4. Always write down one goal that will require a miracle to achieve. Some goals should be God-given—marks and high points that will take extraordinary power to fulfill. From time to time, you actually will receive a miracle; but you need to write it down, or it will seem too distant and impossible.
5. Share your writing with others. Don’t keep your dreams and visions to yourself. Bring others alongside you, especially in ministry.

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