1. Do you have a regular order when you go to Subway? If so, what is it? (Especially remember what kind of bread you choose!)

2. Have you ever been really hungry, and then received something to eat? How did you feel?

1. Look at John 6:1-15. What miracle has just taken place?

2. Read John 6:30-32, then read Exodus 16:1-5 to see to what the John passage is referring.

The Israelites had just escaped from slavery and suffering in Egypt. They weren’t focusing on their freedom. Instead, they were complaining about being hungry. Apparently, they could trust God enough to walk through a Sea and to provide water from a rock, but were not convinced God would continue to provide for them.

3. Read John 6:33-34. Jesus compares Himself coming to the world with the bread God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness. The manna satisfied a hunger the Israelites were experiencing, and His presence was meant to satisfy the deeper hunger of all people.

4. Read John 6:35. What is the “I Am” statement in this verse? What do you think it means? (God provided Jesus to meet all our needs…salvation for sure, the cross, as well as meaning and direction for life, the opportunity to glorify Him and all of our other needs, as well. He is our Provider and Provision!)

5. Read John 6:11. In the New Living Translation, this verse reads, “Give us today the food we need.” The original word translated food here is artos in the Greek. It refers to bread specificly, but the understood message is not that God would provide just bread, but everything a person needs.

6. Is there any other picture used in the Bible of bread representing Jesus? (Hint: Reading John 6:55-56 might remind you of something you’ve heard before.)
Can participating in communion be a reminder for you of Jesus’ provision? How?

Are you in need physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, relationally? Do you believe Jesus can provide you with what you need? Are you relying on Jesus to meet your needs, or do you seek to meet them in other ways? How would you prefer that we pray for you this week so we can encourage you to remember God is your ultimate Provider?

Lesson 4: John 8:12:I Am the Light of the World

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