Quick Backdrop
Sharing our faith. That phrase alone can conjure up a lot of fears associated with sharing Jesus with other people: fear of rejection, fumbling your words, not to mention the fear of labels such as “Bible thumper” or “intolerant.” However, the stakes are too high for us to stand timidly at the edge of the pool, too afraid to jump in! The world is drowning, and the good news about Jesus is the rescue ring!

The What
As you read the Bible passages below, do this (use your Bible or print out the passages from an online resource):
1. Draw a foot above every mention of feet.
2. Underline anything the feet (or the people to whom the feet belong) are doing.

Isaiah 52:6-7
Nahum 1:15
Ephesians 6:14-15
Romans 10:8-15

After you’ve read the passages, look at the references to feet that you found and write down (in a journal, edoc, or on a piece of paper) the things people are doing with their feet.

The So What
Did you notice that “proclaiming peace” is part of “bringing good news”? Peace was mentioned in nearly every passage. Think about this for a second: When we’re separated from God, we’re separated from the One who brings peace, order and true fulfillment to life. Without this connection, life is chaos, and we tend to seek fulfillment in things that are actually destructive. God, however, brings peace. When we share our faith, we are delivering peace for which every soul longs.

Seal the Deal
How can this insight help you bring the good news about Jesus to your friends? Think about at least one friend who is not a believer, someone who needs to know this peace. Write a note to that friend expressing your desire for him or her to know this peace. If you need some framework, picture what Jesus would say to your friend; think about why the peace of the gospel would be helpful to your friend’s life. Then, send the note.

Because our feet are the carriers of the best news, there is only one thing that should be going through our minds when sharing our faith—happy feet!

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