YouthWorkers! We’re fielding articles for our August issue. The theme is Parents. Check out the writing starts below and our writing guidelines here. If you have an article idea, send it to We take submissions from youth workers who write, so if that’s you, send us an idea! We’ll connect with you if we like your idea.


August / September / October Theme :: Parents

– What new family systems and parenting styles are emerging ng? (They used to be helicopter parents, blended families…What’s new?)

– How do overbearing parents ruin youth ministries? How can we help overbearing parents learn to let go?

– What do we need to communicate to parents that will help them feel comfortable with their kid going on a mission trip, retreat or out-of-town event?

– How do we respond when parents choose not to bring their kids to youth group?

– What do we do when parents expect youth workers to be their kids’ spiritual parents?

– What are the best practices for helping parents become active members of the youth ministry team?

– How do we partner with families for better youth ministry?

– How can we help parents be their kids’ spiritual heroes?

– How do we manage a youth group when your youth group is full of kids whose parents don’t come to church?

– When a parent is honest with you about how they feel about you, and those words hurt…

– For young, unmarried youth workers: How do we relate to people who have children?

– For older youth workers: What do we do when we relate with parents but not with their kids?

– Dealing with parents vs. partnering with parents: What’s the best strategy?

– How do we work with parents who constantly try to tell you how to do your job?

– Sometimes, we are the problem parent. What do we do when our own children are out of control?

– What do we do when our own children don’t want to go to our youth group, when they don’t want us to be their youth pastors?


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