The following devotion was excerpted with permission from Ancient Christian Devotional, General Editor Thomas C. Oden, Edited by Cindy Crosby and published by InterVarsity Press. For more information on this and other valuable resources from IVP, click here.

Walk in Love


Our God is a God of justice and righteousness (Jer 33:14-16). During the Advent season, we are reminded that we are called to learn his ways and walk in the paths of humility and love (Ps 25:1-9). As we look to his return (Lk 21:25-36), we pray and give thanks, desiring to become holy as he is holy (1 Thess 3:9-13).

OPENING PRAYER: First Sunday in Advent

Incline, O Lord, thy merciful ears, and illuminate the darkness of our hearts by the light of thy visitation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.The Gelasian Sacramentary

OLD TESTAMENT READING: Jeremiah 33:14-16


The Promise Springs Forth. LEO THE GREAT:

But the majesty of the Son of God, in which he is equal with the Father in its garb of a slave’s humility, feared no diminution, required no augmentation. And the very effect of his mercy, which he expended on the restitution of humanity, he was able to bring about solely by the power of his Godhead, thus rescuing the creature that was made in the image of God from the yoke of his cruel oppressor. But because the devil had not shown himself so violent in his attack on the first man as to bring him over to his side without the consent of his free will, the voluntary sin and hostile desires of humanity had to be destroyed in such a way that the standard of justice should not stand in the way of the gift of grace. And therefore in the general ruin of the entire human race there was but one remedy in the secret of the divine plan which could help the fallen, and that was that one of the sons of Adam should be born free and innocent of original transgression, to prevail for the rest both by his example and his merits. Still further, because this was not permitted by natural generation, and because there could be no offspring from our faulty stock without seed, of which the Scripture says, “Who can make a clean thing conceived of an unclean seed? Is it not you who are alone?” David’s Lord was made David’s Son and sprang from the fruit of the promised branch—One without fault, the twofold nature coming together into one person, that by one and the same conception and birth might spring our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom was present both true Godhead for the performance of mighty works and true humanity for the endurance of sufferings. Sermon 27.3.


NEW TESTAMENT READING: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13


The Truth of Faith Pastorally Taught. AUGUSTINE:

But every discourse on this topic, where one’s goal is that what is said may not only be believed but also understood and known, is burdensome for those still spiritually immature. These the apostle says are carnal, needing to be nourished with milk, as they do not have the strength to perceive such things and are more easily frustrated than fed. Tractates on John 98.5.1.

Their Grace Is One. ATHANASIUS:

For one and the same grace is from the Father in the Son, as the light of the sun and the sun’s radiance is one, and as the sun’s illumination is effected through the radiance. So too when Paul prays for the Thessalonians, in saying, “Now God himself our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, may he direct our way to you,” he has guarded the unity of the Father and of the Son. For he has not said, “May they direct,” as if a double grace were given from two sources . . . but “may he direct,” to show that the Father gives grace through the Son. Discourses Against the Arians 3.25.11.

The Unrestrained Overflowing of Love. CHRYSOSTOM:

This is proof of superabundant love, that he not only prays for them by himself but even inserts his prayer in his epistles. Paul’s prayers demonstrate a fervent soul unable to restrain his love. The mention of his prayers also proves that Paul and Silvanus’s failure to visit them was not voluntary or the result of indolence. It is as though Paul said, May God himself shorten the trials that constantly distract us, so that we may come directly to you. “And the Lord make you to increase and abound.” Do you see the unrestrained madness of love that is shown by these words? Homilies on Thessalonians 4.

GOSPEL READING: Luke 21:25-36


Signs in the Heavens When People Fall into Unbelief. AMBROSE:

This is a true sequence of prophecy and a fresh cause of mystery, because the Jews will be led captive a second time to Babylon and Assyria. Those throughout the world who have denied Christ will be captive. A hostile army will trample visible Jerusalem as the sword kills Jews. All Judea will be put to the spiritual sword, the two-edged sword, by the nations that will believe. There will be different signs in the sun, moon and the stars. . . . When very many fall away from religion, a cloud of unbelief will darken bright faith, because for me that heavenly Sun is either diminished or increased by my faith. If very many gaze on the rays of the worldly sun, the sun seems bright or pale in proportion to the capacity of the viewer, so the spiritual light is imparted to each according to the devotion of the believer. In its monthly courses, the moon, opposite the earth, wanes when it is in the sun’s quarter. When the vices of the flesh obstruct the heavenly Light, the holy church also cannot borrow the brightness of the divine Light from the rays of Christ. In the persecutions, love of this life alone certainly very often shuts out the light of God. Exposition of the Gospel of Luke 10.3-37.

Drunkenness Weakens Soul and Body. ORIGEN:

Drunkenness is therefore destructive in all things. It is the only thing that weakens the soul together with the body. According to the apostle, it can happen that when the body “is weak,” the spirit is “much stronger,” and when “the exterior person is destroyed, the interior person is renewed.” In the illness of drunkenness, the body and the soul are destroyed at the same time. The spirit is corrupted equally with the flesh. All the members are weakened: the feet and the hands. The tongue is loosened. Darkness covers the eyes. Forgetfulness covers the mind so that one does not know himself nor does he perceive he is a person. Drunkenness of the body has that shamefulness. Homilies on Leviticus 7.5-6.

Adversity a Sign That the Kingdom Is at Hand. CYPRIAN:

Beloved brothers and sisters, whoever serves as a soldier of God stationed in the camp of heaven already hopes for the divine things. He should recognize himself so that we should have no fear or dread at the storms and whirlwinds of the world. Through the encouragement of his provident voice, the Lord predicted that these things would come when he was instructing, teaching, preparing and strengthening the people of his church to endure everything to come. Christ foretold and prophesied that wars, famine, earthquakes and epidemics would arise in the various places. So that an unexpected and new fear of destructive agencies might not shake us, he forewarned that adversity would increase in the last times. On Mortality 2.


Grant us, O Lord, not to mind earthly things but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to cleave to those that shall abide through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Leonine Sacramentary

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