Our Almighty God, carries the highest honor in this world. Because He is the Master of this universe He has created us with a purpose. We need to spend time with God to understand that purpose. When we spend time with God in prayer, He speaks to us thereby revealing His will to us. We cannot take independent decisions on our own after we commit our lives into His hands. We must wait patiently to allow God to work in our lives. That is how we become God’s children: Obedience and complete surrender is what God appreciates in us.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Think About It
Most of the time, we are worried about our lives-our food, clothes, bank balances, savings, insurance, health, career and jobs. We make our own plans in setting up our career, employment and salaries; and we trust and rely on our own intelligence for day-to-day living. We believe we are worthy to make our future plans well in advance.

Have you tried to listen to the voice of God saying, “I am here to take care of you”? God says, “Cast your entire burden on Me. I will take care of you, and I have a plan for your life.” All that God requires is your absolute surrender to Him. The Bible says that those who trust in God never fail, but those who trust in human strength always have witnessed failures and defeats.

As a boy, David could defeat Goliath only by the strength of God. Lions preserved the life of Daniel only by the instruction of God. King Solomon obeyed God and received wisdom as a gift and his reputation as the wisest king who ever lived. Samuel as a child surrendered his life to God and walked according to the instructions of God.

When God calls for people, they are chosen by God. Answering God on time, saying, “Here I am, Lord, standing in Your presence,” pleases God. God likes perfect obedience, and His wrath is great when His people are disobedient.

God’s plan is prospective and excellent in giving good results for us. It brings us happiness, peace and joy with the fact that we have no burden on us as God is taking care of us as His children. He works on behalf of us and sets our paths. God knows what is good for us, and He gives us the best in the world. God says, “Only believe,” which means we must believe His plans are not like our plans; and as long we allow Him to work in our lives, our wishes, wants and all our achievements are fulfilled.

God is clear: He does not wish to cause any harm to us; His plan is to grant us a prosperous life. God’s plans give us hope and future.

Many times we say to ourselves, “My planning was not good, or may be somewhere I was wrong in my planning.” Instead, we should seek God’s guidance and permission while making our plans.

Apply It
Youth workers in churches must maintain a good relationship with God and must carry a heart of service. Self-denial is what God likes, which means you must put others before yourself. Absolute surrender to God means you are accepting God’s plans, and you promise to abide by the terms and conditions of God.

As a child, Samuel was ordained for God. Samuel worked in the temple of God as a child (I Sam. 2:18), served as a pastor and listened to God’s voice as prophet (1 Samuel 3:20-21).

Samuel received appreciation from God, parents and from the people (I Sam. 2:26). Samuel is an inspiration for all youth workers—in obedience to God, as a church worker and as a prophet. God’s hand was continuously on Samuel, guiding all his endeavors. Whenever God called Samuel, “Here am I” (1 Samuel 3:8) was the only word heard by God, and that was pleasing to God.

We cannot carry any excuses or postponements when we work for God. As long as we say, “The Lord is my strength. He will make my feet like hind’s feet, and He will make me to walk upon high places” (Habakkuk 3:19).

God paves the way for us when we cling to Him in all situations. God is our ultimate and final destiny, and those who seek Him with clean and pure hearts will find Him. Once we find God, we have no wants as God takes care of all our wants. God never will let down those who trust in Him and seek Him diligently and always find favor from Him.

As youth worker, we may come across many distractions that drive us from our concentration and church service to God. At that time, be more prayerful and read God’s word and meditate upon it.

The Holy Spirit will guide us in every step as we walk according to the Word of God. God will tell us clearly which way to go in every circumstance.

Scripture Text and Message
God plans to work in you and begins to act in your life. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you are under His authority. He guides you in every work you do, and gives you wisdom to work for Him. Do not worry about your future. Instead, read the Scripture every day; spend time with God; allow His thoughts to work in you.

According to Jeremiah 29:11, you have a wonderful plan of God before you to accept, a great plan which is prospective and joyous, giving all the peace and happiness that is completely in acceptance with God.

Your duty is to perform the works honestly, sincerely and with complete obedience and reverence to God. It is good to remember we need to be under the shelter of God because, He is full of love, mercy and kindness; and He knows how to take care of His children.

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