The Smart Stepmom: Practical Steps to Help You Thrive!
Ron Deal and Laura Petherbridge
Baker Publishing Group, 2009, 220 pp., $13.99,

Step Parent: Wicked or Wise?

Blended-families often struggle under the weight of their own emotional baggage. Through use of real-life scenarios, personal experience and professional advice, the authors created a Christian guide for stepmoms that also benefits biological parents.

Providing emotional tools that are applicable in diverse homes, this book imparts straightforward guidance while navigating difficult terrain. Deal and Petherbridge offer necessary structure to an otherwise unstructured world of step-parenting, including advice on letting go of expectations and how to help validate children’s emotions.

As a child of divorce and a stepmom, I found Petherbridge’s illustration of the struggle between behaving wickedly or sharing learned wisdom insightful.
Cheers to the authors for their devotion to God in providing relevant and honest parenting support.

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