Brad Formsma
WaterBrook Press, 2014, 224 pp., $12.33

Brad Formsma has developed an insatiable thirst for giving. In I Like Giving, he talks about his own personal testimony that led him to sell his business and work for an organization called Generous Giving. He wrote this book to share the joy he has found in giving with the hope that generosity could change the world culture.

The entire book is a compilation of real-life testimonies of charitable giving by people all over the world. Between the testimonies, Formsma inserts some commentary, facts and benefits of giving. He has a vision that generosity will radically reshape our culture, help people find happiness, and improve health conditions. Formsma includes practical ideas of how to give and how to be alert for giving opportunities.

I Like Giving possibly could be used for illustrations of people giving, but it is not a primary resource to teach your church about giving. Although some Scripture verses are inserted throughout the book, the book overall presented a man-centered theology of giving. The book teaches that the motivation for giving is so the giver can acquire happiness and health.

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