New Living Translation
Tyndale House Publishers, 2012, 2,220 pp., $49.99

Getting a well-translated and easy-to-read Bible into the hands of our students is crucial as we work hard to help them encounter the Word of God for themselves. This is especially important if we want them to hold onto their faith post-graduation. During my 11 years in youth ministry, the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible has been my first choice whenever a student or parent has asked for a recommendation. Tyndale’s brand new release of this Bible, Chronological Life Application Study Bible, now in chronological order, quickly will move to the top of my list as a recommendation for older students who have grown too familiar with a normal Bible layout or with students who want to take a more intellectual approach to reading Scripture.

The Chronological Life Application Study Bible is an eye-grabbing redesign of the best-selling Life Application Study Bible on the market today. The text is chock full of great, in-depth commentary, notes and maps to help the reader understand the context of each passage. Thorough bios are included for each mention of major men or women in the Scripture story. Photographs and artwork have been incorporated beautifully throughout the book to help bring an image to some of the stories being told. Each page provides a timeline at the top to help the reader understand where the text they are on fits into broader biblical history. They also mark other world events on the provided timelines readers know what else was happening in history.

The Chronological Life Application Study Bible would be a great addition to your bookshelf and should be one you highly recommend to students and parents.

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