Doug Franklin
LeaderTreks, 2012, 106 pp., $9.95

On top of sending our students out of high school with a relationship with Christ and an understanding of sound theology, it is crucial that also we help our students identify their mission and calling in life. Doug Franklin’s new book Moving On is a fantastic tool to help us do just that.

Moving On is a short but impactful book to use with our students. Chock full of great content, the book provides a very easy-to-understand process of identifying calling by looking at what burdens your heart, what you are passionate about and what vision you have for your life. It then helps you combine those things into a mission.

Franklin does a great job of keeping the book very hands-on and not just heady. Along with the descriptions, each chapter provides reflection questions, an experiment to help learn about yourself, and a Bible study to figure out how God plays into each piece of finding our mission. The appendix also includes a survey to help figure out your passions, a spiritual gift assessment and a unique abilities profile.

Moving On also can be used easily in a number of settings: from small group curricula, as a one-on-one discipleship tool or as a gift to graduating seniors. This resource is definitely one worth checking out and getting into the hands of your students.

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