Fred R. Lybrand
The Barnabas Agency, 2010, 171 pp, $10.79,

Glaen tells the story of Annie, a graduate student who decides to write a book about relationships as a way to figure out the problematic relationships around her, with the help of her writing professor, Glaen. The goal of this text is to give advice on being in relationships. This advice is presented in the guise of a novel and blurs the line of fiction and non-fiction as the story simply serves as a vehicle for giving advice. Yet, the advice given may be helpful for those seeking to have healthier relationships. Through Annie’s story, Lybrand shares his insights through occasional summaries and a list of relationship lies and countering truths. While Annie is in search to understand how to have a healthy relationship with the goal of marriage, the information given may be helpful for being in relationships of all sorts.

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