Nish Weiseth and Shauna Niequist
Zondervan, 2014, 208 pp., $11.97

Speak is a passionate plea to follow Jesus’ example in using stories to reach people. Author Nish Weiseth believes stories can change people’s hearts and lives, thereby becoming forces for justice, for instance.

Considering the key message of the book, it’s no wonder it includes many stories. The author shares her story of being uncomfortable with certain policies in her church, which illustrates how room for people’s personal stories can lead to more understanding and less division within the church. She also has included stories from her website A Deeper Story, which show time and again how people can come to understand others better through reading their stories.

Much of this book wasn’t news to me, but I loved the way it was presented. The stories are inspiring, especially the stories about evangelism (if you can call it that) through stories. This is an inspiring read for using our personal stories for the sake of the kingdom!

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