Camp prices can vary widely depending on type and activity offerings. The size of your group also can affect price structures. Most counselors try to keep camp weekend retreats under $129 per student on average, and a five-day, four-night summer camp costs the average camper about $250.

As a rule of thumb, expect a fairly local camp with simple facilities to cost between $100 to $200 per camper for a week. Some groups choose to travel further or attend camps with more amenities; those camps may cost up to $500 per camper for a week, including food, transportation fees and program elements. Be sure to ask ahead about what costs are included and what, if any, activities or provisions are additional.

There are always kids who need some financial help no matter the size and socioeconomics of your church. A larger church such as Grace Fellowship provides generous support that allows planners to budget and provide scholarships, though they usual provides half-scholarships rather than full.

CCCA also launched Corners of the Field in 2011, a scholarship program to provide for impoverished kids. “Our vision is to provide to all kids—regardless of their ability to pay—the unique opportunity of a life-changing encounter with God in a beautiful camp setting,” says CCCA president Gregg Hunter.

Want Help?
Learn more and find a camp at, site of the Christian Camp and Conference Association.

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