Teamwork: The Heart and Soul in Sports
Chad Bonham/Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Regal, 2009, 157 pp., $12.99

Do we need another book on teamwork? Yes! The Fellowship of Christian Athletes mixes its Four Core Teamwork approach with professional athletes’ know-how to drive home Christian principles to encourage becoming a better team.

Your team will benefit from the perspective of such athletes as the Redskins’ Shaun Alexander, Soccer Gold Medalist Cat Whitehill and Yankees pitcher Andy Petite. Petite’s honesty about taking steroids will get your group talking about trust and consequences.

All teams need to be motivated. Your adult and student leaders will be inspired by the stories, including those of legendary coaches Tony Dungy and John Wooden.

You need this book because each chapter comes with questions that will lead your team into deeper discussions about what a team really is and how teamwork makes all the difference.

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