Child of Divorce, Child of God: A Journey of Hope and Healing
Kristine Steakley
IVP Books, July 2008, 181 pp., $15.00,

Kristine Steakley’s book specifically addresses adult children of divorce, but offers loads of comfort suitable for anyone grieving. She takes seriously the emotional and spiritual implications of divorce, maintaining that broken hearts do not belie a lack of faith and reassuring those whose parents have not kept their commitments of God’s absolute faithfulness.

She deals with the pain of parental estrangement, the effects of having to bury hurt and grow up too quickly, and the fear of being doomed to failed relationships. How unique this kind of suffering is to children of divorce is debatable, but Steakley’s reminders of God’s character proffer healing for those feeling like damaged products of the last couple generations of broken homes. The book also includes a note for parents and a list of biblical references regarding divorce.

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