Emily Cole
LifeWay Press, 176 pp., $12.95, LifeWay.com

They’re still talking about her millennia later. Although never named, her fame has spread worldwide. In Her, Emily Cole introduces high school girls to this international woman of mystery—the ideal wife of Proverb 31—and gets them thinking about ways their lives could look like hers. Cole styles her study as a journal, complete with ribbon bookmark and decorative spaces in which to write and draw about what is and what could be. Designed for a girl to work through independently, it also includes resources for use as an intensive girl-led study (involving a significant daily commitment for nine weeks) and conversation questions for moms and daughters. Themes include being trustworthy and diligent, embracing intelligence and strength, choosing words wisely and preparing for the future without worrying about it unduly. Lessons are supported by other scriptural passages and extrapolated to an 11th-grade level, assuming girls are ready to date and beginning to think about what kind of wives they’ll someday be to what kind of husbands, but not yet buying property or responsible for getting a family through the winter.

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