Leadership Essentials
Greg Ogden
InterVarsity Press, 2007, 176 pp., $15.00, www.ivpress.com

If youth ministry is about leadership, then Greg Ogden has important words for youth workers. Ogden writes “Christian leadership is Christlike influence” and challenges us to move beyond the servant-leadership concept to embrace an understanding of truly transformational leadership. He further argues that leadership should not be restricted to “Christian ministry,” and our leadership efforts should influence every aspect of life and culture.

This interactive workbook is comprised of four sections focusing on the character, posture, vision and shaping of a leader. Each chapter includes Scripture memory, an inductive Bible study guide, an article about the chapter topic, and a leadership exercise. While the book is designed for personal study and reflection, it is also an excellent book for a leadership team to work through together. Working through this book will help develop your own abilities and prepare you to mentor others in leadership.

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