“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matt. 5:8).

A few weeks ago, my grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday. Or, perhaps I should say our family celebrated. Although my grandmother did not remember any of her family members who had gathered around her, it was nevertheless an important milestone in our family.

We told stories, laughed and enjoyed our time together. Mostly we celebrated our grandmother’s pure heart—her desire for God. As a child, my grandmother attended church by horse and buggy, and by the end of her life she was taken to church in a high-tech van designed for wheelchair use. Although the world had changed, her heart remained steadfast in faith and the assurance of God’s love for her.

Some might call this purity of heart integrity, and perhaps this is what Jesus had in mind. When we are one with ourselves—confident in our motives and our faith—we begin to see God in others, situations, and the world around us.

Today, have a pure heart. Look for God in the teenagers who are in your care and within your circle of influence. Look for God in the difficulties, as well as the triumphs. Look for God in the faces of the broken and the joyous. With this single outlook and motive, there is no doubt you will see God today!

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