The first two books in the All About Us series introduces us to a culturally-diverse group of girls at Spencer Academy, a prestigious boarding school. These girls learn how to succeed in the upper-crust worlds of fashion, dating and social climbing, while keeping their faith. With their teen girl audience in mind, an interactive Web site accompanies the series. Characters blog about their lives and can interact personally with readers.

Written in the voice of teen girls, the author definitely has captured the rapid fire conversational style of the IM and texting generation. The accompanying Web site capitalizes on the social networking movement of this generation.

The great thing about this book is that it’s a Christian Gossip Girl. The worst thing about this book is that it’s a Christian Gossip Girl. It gives a wholesome alternative to the trashy pop-culture rendition of life as a rich teen, but it does not challenge it as much as attempt to add a Christian twist to it.

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