What You Need: A coloring page and some crayons. You will make two copies of the coloring picture and have a third sheet that you need to keep blank.

What You Will Do:
Color in only one of the coloring pages.

Lesson Outline:
1.) The blank page represents your life and the joy of salvation. You will talk about being made clean from sin. Explain: “You are now a blank picture before God in your new life” (refer to Psalms 51:12; Psalms 95:1).

2.) The uncolored page presents the joy of love and God’s Word in your life. You will talk about God’s guidance and creating an outline for your life. Explain:  “God now begins to show you a purpose and plan for your life. He begins to show you His will and calling for your life” (refer to Psalms 90:14; Psalms 19:8; Psalms 1:2).

3.) The colored page represents the joy of prayer in your life. You will talk about a relationship with God and His wisdom in your life that fills in/gives color/provides you with wisdom in finding and living the plan/purpose of your life. Explain: “Through prayer, God begins to communicate with us and show us what our lives can and should look like” (refer to Psalms 86:3-5).

4.) The colored page will be used again. This time it represents the joy of worship. You will talk about the fact that now that your life is filled and complete in joy that you now want to offer it back to God as a child offers a coloring page to his or her daddy. Explain: “Your life of joy is now a living sacrifice and a continual worship offering to God” (refer to Psalms 30:11-12; Psalms 33:1-3).

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